Campbell Walsh Wein Urology, 12/e (3 Volume Set)
[성보의학서적 비뇨기과의학 신간의학서적 도서목록]
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적립금 14,700원 (3%)
저 자 Alan W. Partin
출판사 Elsevier
ISBN 9780323546423
출판일 2020.03
판 형 Hardcover
판 수 12/e
면 수 4039 page
의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.
From the basic science underpinnings to the most recent developments in medical and surgical care, Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology offers a depth and breadth of coverage you won’t find in any other urology reference. Now in three manageable volumes, the revised 12th Edition is a must-have text for students, residents, and seasoned practitioners, with authoritative, up-to-date content in an intuitively organized, easy-to-read format featuring key points, quick-reference tables, and handy algorithms throughout.
• Features shorter, more practical chapters that help you find key information quickly.
• Includes new chapters on Urinary Tract Imaging: Basic Principles of Nuclear Medicine · Ethics and Informed Consent · Incisions and Access · Complications of Urologic Surgery · Urologic Considerations in Pregnancy · Intraoperative Consultation · Special Urologic Considerations in Transgender Individuals · and more.
• Covers hot topics such as minimally invasive and robotic surgery; advancements in urologic oncology, including innovative therapeutics for personalized medicine; new approaches to male infertility; technological advances for the treatment of stones; and advances in imaging modalities.
• Incorporates current AUA/EAU guidelines in each chapter as appropriate
• Updates all chapters with new content, new advances, and current references and best practices. Extensively updated chapters include Urological Immunotherapy, Minimally Invasive Urinary Diversion, and Updated Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer.
• Features more than 175 video clips, including all-new videos on perineal ultrasound, abdominoplasty in prune belly syndrome, partial penectomy, low dose rate brachytherapy, and many more.
• Written and edited by key opinion leaders, reflecting essential changes and controversies in the field.
• Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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