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Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume ,26/e [성보의학서적 세실내과학 할인 신간의학서적 도서목록]

Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume ,26/e [성보의학서적 세실내과학 할인 신간의학서적 도서목록]


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   판매가 : 187,000원 
   정가 : 250,000원
   적립금 : 5,610 (3 %)
    저자 : Lee Goldman
   출판사 : Elsevier
   ISBN : 9780323532662
   출판일 : 2019.09
   판형 : Hardcover
   면수 : 2976 page
   판수 : 26/e



의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

To be the best doctor you can be, you need the best information. For more than 90 years, what is now called Goldman-Cecil Medicine has been the authoritative source for internal medicine and the care of adult patients. Every chapter is written by acclaimed experts who, with the oversight of our editors, provide definitive, unbiased advice on the diagnosis and treatment of thousands of common and uncommon conditions, always guided by an understanding of the epidemiology and pathobiology, as well as the latest medical literature.
But Goldman-Cecil Medicine is not just a textbook. Throughout the lifetime of each edition, periodic updates continually include the newest information from a wide range of journals. Furthermore, Goldman-Cecil Medicine is available for all users of ClinicalKey, Elsevier's full library of subspecialty textbooks that can be accessed by readers who may want even more in-depth information.
Key Features
•More than 400 chapters authored by a veritable "Who's Who" of modern medicine
•A practical, templated organization with an emphasis on evidence-based references
•Thousands of algorithms, figures, and tables that make its information readily accessible
•Supplementary videos, heart sounds, and key references
•Available in print and on a variety of electronic devices
•Supplemented by over 1500 board-style questions and answers to help you prepare for certification and recertification examinations
•Continuously updated by Lee Goldman, MD
•Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
-Author Information  -
 By Lee Goldman, MD, Harold and Margaret Hatch Professor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, Chief Executive, Columbia University Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, New York and Andrew I. Schafer, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director, Richard T. Silver Center for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York

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