Netter's Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy, 2/e(Updated Edition) [성보의학서적 Netter 정형외과해부학 신간의학도서 목록]
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의학서적 전문서점 "성보의학서적"에서 추천하는 신간도서입니다.
▼ 위 도서명 또는 도서사진을 클릭하시면 저희 "성보의학서적_홈페이지"에서 가격등 도서에 관한, 자세한 정보를 보실 수 있습니다.
판매가 : 66,000원
정가 : 75,000원
적립금 : 1,900 (3 %)
저자 : Jon C. Thompson
출판사 : Saunders
ISBN : 9781416059875
출판일 : 2016
판형 : Softcover
면수 : 416 pages
판수 : 2/e
의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.
Netter’s Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy is a best-selling, portable, full-color resource excellent to have on hand during your orthopaedic rotation, residency, or as a quick look-up in practice. Jon C. Thompson presents the latest data in thoroughly updated diagnostic and treatment algorithms for all conditions while preserving the popular at-a-glance table format from the previous edition. You’ll get even more art from the Netter Collection as well as new radiologic images that visually demonstrate the key clinical correlations and applications of anatomical imaging. For a fast, memorable review of orthopaedic anatomy, this is a must-have.
• Maintains the popular at-a-glance table format that makes finding essential information quick and convenient.
• Contains useful clinical information on disorders, trauma, history, physical exam, radiology, surgical approaches, and minor procedures in every chapter.
• Lists key information on bones, joints, muscles, and nerves in tables correlate to each Netter image.
• Highlights key material in different colors—pearls in green and warnings in red—for easy reference.
• Features both plain film and advanced radiographic (CT and MRI) images, along with cross-sectional anatomic plates for an even more thorough visual representation of the material.
This "updated" second edition includes an eBook with the print. The ExpertConsult eBook includes test-yourself images, and notes and highlighting capabilities. All other content is the same as the 2010 2nd edition.
네터,근골격해부학,Netter's 정형외과해부학,정형해부학,Netter's Orthopaedic Anatomy,
기타 도서와 관련된 문의사항은 고객센터(02-854-2738) 또는 저희 성보의학서적 홈페이지내 도서문의 게시판에 문의바랍니다.
성보의학서적 "
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