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Atlas of Trauma/Emergency Surgical Techniques-성보의학서적

Atlas of Trauma/Emergency Surgical Techniques-성보의학서적

의학서적 온라인 할인 쇼핑몰 성보의학서적의 신간도서 안내입니다.

Atlas of Trauma/Emergency Surgical Techniques, a title in the Surgical Techniques Atlas Series, presents state-of-the-art updates on the full range of trauma and emergency surgical techniques performed today.


Drs. Cioffi and Asensio, along with numerous other internationally recognized general surgeons, offer you step-by-step advice along with full-color illustrations and photographs to help you expand your repertoire and hone your clinical skills.



의학서적 전문서점 "성보의학서적"에서 추천하는 신간도서입니다.

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Atlas of Trauma/Emergency Surgical Techniques


저자 : William Cioffi

출판사 : W.B. Saunders

ISBN : 9781416040163

출판일 : 2013.10

판형 : Hardcover

면수 : 368 page

판수 : 1/e







Easily review normal anatomy and visualize the step-by-step progression of each emergency surgery procedure thanks to more than 330 detailed anatomic line drawings and clinical photographs.
Avoid complications with pearls and pitfalls from the authors for every surgical technique.
Master the key variations and nuances for a full range of emergency techniques. A highly formatted approach provides step-by-step instructions with bulleted "how-to" guidance for each procedure.
Access the entire text online at Expert Consult.


- 도서목차 -


Chapter 1

Intracranial Pressure Monitoring and Ventriculostomy

Section I: Neck

Chapter 2

Neck Exploration

Chapter 3

Surgical Airways: Tracheostomy and Cricothyroidotomy

Section II: Chest

Chapter 4

Resuscitative Thoracotomy, Anterolateral and Posterolateral Thoracotomy, and Thoracotomy Decortication and Pleurodesis

Chapter 5

Anterior Approach for Stabilization of Fractures of the Lower Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Spine (T11 - L2)

Chapter 6

Cardiac Injuries

Chapter 7

Thoracic Vascular Exposure and Reconstruction

Chapter 8

Tracheal Injury and Repair

Chapter 9

Pulmonary Injuries

Chapter 10

Subxiphoid Pericardial Window

Chapter 11

Surgical and Operative Management of Esophageal Injuries

Section III: Abdomen

Chapter 12

Abdominal Closure Techniques

Chapter 13

Duodenal Injury Repairs

Chapter 14

Liver Injuries: Repair Techniques

Chapter 15

Splenectomy and Splenorrhaphy

Chapter 16

Pancreatic Injury: Repair and Resection Techniques

Chapter 17

Cholecystectomy and Common Bile Duct Exploration

Chapter 18

Kidney Trauma (Parenchymal and Vascular Injuries): Repair and Nephrectomy

Chapter 19

Bladder and Ureteral Repair

Chapter 20

Gastroduodenal Operations for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Perforation

Chapter 21

Incarcerated Hernia Repair— Posterior Preperitoneal Approach

Chapter 22

Rectal Trauma

Section IV: Abdominal Vascular

Chapter 23

Abdominal Vascular Injuries

Chapter 24

Acute Mesenteric Ischemia

Section V: Extremities and Pelvis

Chapter 25

Vascular Injuries of the Upper and Lower Extremities

Chapter 26

Upper and Lower Extremity Fasciotomy

Chapter 27

Upper and Lower Extremity Amputation

Section VI: Bedside Procedures

Chapter 28

Bedside Placement of Inferior Vena Cava Filter

Chapter 29

Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy-Percutaneous Approach


Atlas of Trauma/Emergency Surgical Techniques-성보의학서적 "성보의학서적_블로그" ※기타 도서와 관련된 문의사항은 "고객센터(02-854-2738)" 또는 저희 성보의학서적 홈페이지내 "도서문의 게시판"에 문의바랍니다. 의학서적전문 온라인서점 "성보의학서적"(신간도서는 물론 모든 의학도서 전품목 5~10% 할인, 최대95% 할인몰도)


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