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Te Linde's Operative Gynecology,13/e
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도서명: Te Linde's Operative Gynecology,13/e
저 자: Victoria L Handa
출판사: Lippincott W&W
ISBN : 9781975200091
출판일: 2023.06
판 형: Hardcover
판 수: 13/e
면 수: 864 page
With expert guidance on all aspects of gynecologic surgery, Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology, Thirteenth Edition, edited by Drs. Linda Van Le and Victoria L. Handa, remains your go-to resource from preoperative to postoperative care. Comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on how to perform all contemporary gynecologic procedures, updated diagnostic and management approaches, a greatly expanded illustration program, and new procedural videos, edited by Dr. Danielle Patterson, make this classic text an ideal reference for trainees as well as experienced practitioners.
- Offers readable, intuitive, and concise guidance from today’s best surgeons and teachers
- Fully updated chapters as well as a new chapter on imaging for the gynecologic surgeon
- Features high-quality illustrations throughout
- Includes over 40 new procedural videos, easily accessed in the eBook
- Provides clear, easy-to-follow roadmaps with “Steps in the Procedure” boxes included for all surgical chapters, and a reorganized table of contents designed for quick reference
- Contains an expansive section on gynecologic procedures and surgical management of selected conditions
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- Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Table of Contents
Preparing for Surgery
1 surgical Anatomy of the Female Pelvis 3
Marlene M. Corton and John o . L. DeLancey
2 Preoperative Care of the Gynecologic
Patient 43
Khara M. simpson and Karen C. Wang
Basic Principles of Gynecologic Surgery
3 Anesthesia Primer for the Gynecologist 63
Christine P. McKenzie
4 r adiology Primer for the Gynecologist 81
Ersan Altun and Kristen o linger
5 Patient Positioning for Pelvic surgery 98
Kimberly Kenton and Margaret G. Mueller
6 surgical t echniques, instruments, and
suture 110
John t . s oper
7 Principles of Electrical and Laser Energy
Applied to Gynecologic surgery 129
Magdy P. Milad and t ed L. Anderson
8 incisions for Gynecologic surgery 147
James J. burke ii
9 Principles of Laparoscopy 173
Amanda Yunker
10 Principles of r obotic surgery 189
Arnold P. Advincula and sierra J. s eaman
Postoperative Care
11 Postoperative Care of the Gynecologic
Patient 201
r ajiv b. Gala
12 Postoperative infections in Gynecologic
surgery 220
Anna Powell
13 Critical Care of the Gynecologic Patient 232
Duncan J. McLean and William M. Hart
Contemporary Gynecologic Surgical
14 Dilation and Curettage 249
r onald t . burkman and Heather Z. s ankey
15 Hysteroscopy 259
Mindy s . Christianson and Kristin E. Patzkowsky
16 surgical Management of Abortion
and its Complications 284
Amy G. bryant and Chava Kahn
17 surgery for benign Vulvar Conditions 301
Heather Z. s ankey and r onald t . burkman
18 t ubal sterilization 317
Amy G. bryant and Jessica E. Morse
19 surgery of the o vary and Fallopian t ube 333
s arah L. Cohen r assier and Antonio r . Gargiulo
20 surgical Management of Ectopic
Pregnancy 349
Katharine o ’Connell White and Paula M. Castaño
21 Myomectomy 370
Linda D. bradley and t ommaso Falcone 22 Vaginal Hysterectomy 394
John A. o cchino and John b. Gebhart
23 Abdominal Hysterectomy 416
Laurie s . swaim and Audra E. t immins
24 Minimally invasive Hysterectomy-
Laparoscopic and r obotic-Assisted
Hysterectomy 439
t ed L. Anderson and r onald D. Alvarez
Gynecologic Oncology
25 surgery for Preinvasive Disease of
the Cervix 459
Leslie H. Clark
26 surgery for Preinvasive and invasive
Disease of the Vulva and Vagina 469
r yan J. spencer and David M. Kushner
27 surgery for u terine Cancer 488
Edward t anner
28 surgery for Cervical Cancer 505
nadeem r . Abu-r ustum and Vance A. broach
29 surgery for o varian Cancer 529
r itu s alani and Mae Zakhour
Surgery for Pelvic Floor Disorders
30 t ransvaginal Apical suspensions for
u terovaginal Prolapse 551
robert E. Gutman
31 sacrocolpopexy 571
Anthony G. Visco
32 Colporrhaphy and Enterocele r epair 584
Cara Grimes and Patrick Popiel
33 Midurethral slings and surgery for stress
u rinary incontinence 603
r enée M. Ward
34 Colpocleisis 629
Melinda G. Abernethy
35 Vesicovaginal and r ectovaginal Fistula 639
Chi Chiung Grace Chen and Jaime bashore Long
36 r epair of Episiotomy and Complex Perineal
Lacerations 668
Dana r . Gossett and Christina Lewicky-Gaupp
Complications of Pelvic Surgery
37 Management of intraoperative Complications
to the u rinary t ract 679
E. James Wright
38 Management of o perative Complications to the
Gastrointestinal t ract 696
Mitchel Hoffman and Emmanuel E. Zervos
39 Management of surgical Hemorrhage 729
Emma r ossi
Surgical Management of Selected
Gynecologic Conditions
40 surgical Management of Pelvic Pain
and Endometriosis 747
Matthew t . siedhoff and Erin t . Carey
41 surgical Management of Pelvic inflammatory
Disease 762
Matthew t . siedhoff and Michelle Louie
42 surgical Management of r eproductive t ract
Anomalies 772
Jennifer E. Dietrich
43 Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecologic
surgery 789
Geri Hewitt
44 surgery for o bstetric Hemorrhage 804
Jason D. Wright and Fady Khoury-Collado
Index 819
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