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Clinical Calculations,10/e
Product details
도서명: Clinical Calculations,10/e
저 자: Joyce LeFever Kee
출판사: Elsevier
ISBN : 9780323809832
출판일: 2022.01
판 형: Softcover
판 수: 10/e
면 수: 464 page
Covering all four major drug calculation methods, this resource makes it easy to learn and apply drug calculations used in nursing practice today. Clear explanations of ratio & proportion, formula, fractional equation, and dimensional analysis allow you to choose the method that works best for you. A variety of realistic practice problems cover specialty areas and lifespan issues including pediatric, critical care, labor and delivery, and community settings.
Specialty areas and lifespan issues are addressed with drug calculation problems on pediatrics, critical care, pediatric critical care, labor and delivery, and the community setting.
All four major drug calculation methods are included — ratio & proportion, formula, fractional equation, and dimensional analysis — allowing you to choose the method that works best for you.
Caution boxes provide safety alerts for various medications and their administration.
Coverage of the latest drug administration techniques and devices includes detailed explanations of oral, intravenous, intra-muscular, subcutaneous and other routes used in drug administration.
A comprehensive post-test allows you to test your knowledge of all major topics covered in the text.
Updated and easier to use, a companion CD supports the book with realistic exercises, 565 practice problems, and a comprehensive post-test.
Useful appendices include step-by-step guidelines for the administration of oral, injectable, and intravenous medications, along with at-a-glance access to the BSA Nomogram for Adults and the West Nomogram for Infants and Children.
Guidelines set by The Joint Commission are followed, helping you to reduce medication errors and increase patient safety by using only the recommended abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols.
Calculations now address obese and debilitated patients by including Body Mass Index (BMI), Ideal Body Weight (IBW), and Adjusted Body Weight (ABW) methods of calculation.
Updated coverage of Pediatric Critical Care and Labor and Delivery reflects current parameters and guidelines for practice.
Coverage of hydration replacement shows how to determine the fluid needs of adults and the elderly.
Coverage of administering medication and medication solutions in the home prepares you for care of patients in home health care settings.
Coverage of calculating BMI with standard criteria helps you assess a patient’s overall health and measure obesity.
Updated drug labels, illustrations, and photos of pumps and IV equipment reflect the latest drugs and technology used in the market.
Table of Contents
Clinical Calculations: With Applications to General and Specialty Areas, 10e
Part I: Basic Math Review
Part II: Systems, Conversion, and Methods of Drug Calculation
Chapter 1: Systems Used for Drug Administration
Chapter 2: Conversion Within the Metric, Apothecary, and Household Systems
Chapter 3: Interpretation of Drug Labels, Drug Orders, Bar Codes, MAR and eMAR,
Automation of Medication Dispensing, and Abbreviations
Chapter 4: Prevention of Medication Errors
Chapter 5: Alternative Methods for Drug Administration
Chapter 6: Methods of Calculation
Chapter 7: Methods of Calculation for Individualized Drug Dosing
Part III: Calculations of Oral, Injectable, and Intravenous Drugs
Chapter 8: Oral and Enteral Preparations with Clinical Applications
Chapter 9: Injectable Preparations with Clinical Applications
NEW! Chapter 10: Insulin Administration
Chapter 11: Intravenous Preparations with Clinical Applications
Part IV: Calculations for Specialty Areas
Chapter 12: Pediatrics
Chapter 13: Critical Care
Chapter 14: Pediatric Critical Care
Chapter 15: Labor and Delivery
Chapter 16: Community
Part V: Post-Test: Oral Preparations, Injectables, Intravenous, and Pediatrics
Appendix A: Guidelines for Administration
Appendix B: Nomograms: Child and Adult
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Clinical Calculations,10/e
Covering all four major drug calculation methods, this resource makes it easy to learn and apply drug calculations used in nursing practice today. Clear explanations of ratio & proportion, formula, fractional equation, and dimensional analysis allow you to
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